Jamie Locatis
Web Developer

Master the Art of Git

Mar 31, 2017

Using Git can be the easiest yet most frustrating part of becoming a developer. It’s as simple as a quick tutorial to get into, yet I promise it will take a long time to perfect. But Git is a need to know for every coder. Check out this great tutorial that breaks down mastering the art of Git.

How to master the art of Git by Adnan Rahić

Make it a habit!

Adnan offers some simple TLDR; steps for learning Git through habit:

Note from me: Seriously it is! I've gotten in a nasty habit of just doing `git add .`, adding all of my files to a commit everytime instead of just the specific one I'm changing. This can create waves of issues if you are editing multiple files at the same time!
Another note from me: Again, seriously, meaningful messages! It's easy to just write whatever (literally, I find myself writing `whatever` a lot) to get the commit saved. But that won't help down the line when you need to remember what you've just screwed up ;)

Credit: How to master the art of Git by Adnan Rahić

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