Jamie Locatis
Web Developer

Star Wars Opening Crawl in CSS

How about something cool and completely useful on every website? Let’s build a Star Wars opening crawl entirely using CSS. No JavaScript required!


Explaining CSS Floats and Positions

Let’s talk about floats and positions. Often a headache for beginning web developers, taking a moment to understand how they work can make a huge difference. Floats and positions can be used for many things, from applying text wrap to an image, to controlling the flow of your content, to building a well structered page layout. A basic understanding of how these work is necessary to becoming a solid web developer.


Build Your First Game for the Web

This tutorial will walk you through the steps of creating an interactive Where's Waldo game for the web. You will be able to select you're own Where's Waldo image, and build your program around this image. Introducing some basic JavaScript and Ruby code with AJAX functionality.

javascript ruby sinatra

Navigating the DOM

The DOM, short for Document Object Model, gives you some much needed dynamic power to build better, more interactive websites. Using the DOM you are able to navigate through HTML code as if it were tree of interconnected objects. You can dynamically add, remove, or alter these objects as your user interfaces with your website.


Building Your First CLI App

This is a basic introduction to writing command line applications, the fundamental core of every programmer’s knowledge. This tutorial will navigate you through the basics of the CLI (Command Line Interface) and help you build a quick and useful application.

command line ruby

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